appendix No

Here are some of the things I found.

Lebbeus Woods. Solohouse (1988).

(You can read about the original Appendix N, or read some of its entries here.)

A Field in England (2013), Michelangelo Antonioni, Apocalypse Now (1979), Begotten (1989), Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010), Black Death (2010), Blood Machines (2019), La chiesa (1989), Climax (2018), Dark City (1998), Le dernier combat (1983), The Devils (1971), Diabel (1972), The Draughtsman’s Contract (1982), Eraserhead (1977), film noir, Flesh+Blood (1989), Gandahar (1987), Hard to Be a God (2013), Immortal (2004), Italian cannibal films (1970s-1980s), Kairo (2001), The Lost Continent (1968), Lost Highway (1997), Mad God (2021), Terrence Malick, METACHAOS (2010), Na srebrnym globie (1988), Nosferatu (1922), Pandorum (2009), Phantom of the Paradise (1974), Pontypool (2008), Primal (2019-present), Raised by Wolves (2020-2022), The Seventh Seal (1957), Stalker (1979), Stingray (1964), Taboo (2017), Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989), The Three Musketeers (1973), Tombs of the Blind Dead (1972), Valhalla Rising (2009), Videodrome (1983), Visitor of a Museum (1989), Zardoz (1974)

17th Century Minimalist, 7TV, Betrayer, Black Mold, Black Sun Deathcrawl, Carcosa, Cave Evil, Caves of Qud, Darkest Dungeon, Deep Carbon Observatory, Disco Elysium, Dungeon Degenerates, Ferox, Fever-Dreaming Marlinko, Fléaux!, Gazer Games, A House of Many Doors, Into the Odd, Knave, Lamentations of the Flame Princess (e.g., Better Than Any Man, “The God That Crawls,” No Salvation for Witches, Obscene Serpent Religion 2), Lone Archivist, Marching Order, Mothership, NaissanceE, Normality: The Compleat Roleplaying Game, Pathologic/Pathologic 2, PIRATE BORG, Vaults of Vaarn, Veins of the Earth, Vornheim, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (1e/4e), Warlock!, Witchfinder General: Days of Revelation, Ultraviolet Grasslands, Yoon Suin

Acid Witch, Batushka, Blue Sky Black Death, Carpenter Brut, dungeon synth (Fief, Halberdier, Hedge Wizard, Lost Fellow, Moth Tower, Sequestered Keep, Ziggurath, …), Electric Wizard, exotica (Les Baxter, Martin Denny, Robert Drasnin), Ghost Box Music, GosT, Gunship, Hvile I Kaos, Italian occult psychedelia, Sergei Kuryokhin, martial industrial (especially Laibach), Mortiis, Myrkur, Gary Numan, Paleowolf, Rotting Christ, Saltillo, Swans, Tom Lehrer, Ulver, witch house (e.g., garberogi), Wolfsheim, Wolves in the Throne Room

Will Christopher Baer; J. G. Ballard; Vladimir Bartol (Alamut); original Black Lizard editions; Jorge Luis Borges; Christopher Buehlman (Between Two Fires); William S. Burroughs; Joseph Conrad; Glen Cook (The Black Company novels); Umberto Eco (The Name of the Rose); Harlan Ellison (“I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”); James Ellroy (The Black Dahlia); William Gibson; Russell Hoban (Riddley Walker); M. John Harrison (Viriconium); William Hope Hodgson; Robert Howard; Satoshi Itoh (Genocidal Organ); K. W. Jeter; Ernst Jünger (Eumeswil); Comte de Lautreamont (Dirges of Maldoror); Fritz Leiber; Thomas Ligotti; Arthur Machen; Cormac McCarthy; Herman Melville (The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade); China Miéville; Michael Moorcock (Elric of Melniboné series); C. L. Moore; Iris Murdoch; Reza Negarestani; Alistair Rennie (BleakWarrior); Alastair Reynolds; Michael Shea; Lucius Shepard; Clark Ashton Smith; Cordwainer Smith; the Strugatsky brothers; Michael Swanwick; Adrian Tchaikovsky (Cage of Souls); James Tiptree, Jr.; Dempow Torishima (Sisyphean); Jack Vance (The Dying Earth); Jeff VanderMeer (The Southern Reach Trilogy); Karl Edward Wagner; Peter Watts; Robert Charles Wilson (Darwinia); Robert Wynne-Simmons (Blood on Satan’s Claw: or, The Devil’s Skin); Gene Wolfe

Hannah Arendt, Georges Bataille, Jean Baudrillard, Wilfred Bion, Friedrich Nietzsche, Julia Kristeva, Muhsin Mahdi, Plato, Philip Rieff, Wilfrid Sellars, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin | Jurgis Baltrusaitis’ Aberrations: An Essay on the Legend of Forms (1989), Hans Blumenberg’s Shipwreck with Spectator: Paradigm of a Metaphor for Existence (1979/1996), Stanley Cavell’s The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy (1979), Barry Gewen’s The Inevitability of Tragedy: Henry Kissinger and His World (2020), Iain Hamilton Grant’s Philosophies of Nature after Schelling (2008), Sebastian Junger’s Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging (2016), Thomas Laqueur’s The Work of the Dead: A Cultural History of Mortal Remains (2015), André Leroi-Gourhan’s Gesture and Memory (1964-1965/1993), Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue (1981), William Ian Miller’s Eye for an Eye (2009), Elaine Scarry’s The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World (1987), Carl Schmitt’s Land and Sea: A World-Historical Meditation (1942/2015), Victor Segalen’s An Essay on Exoticism (1955), Andy Sharp’s The English Heretic Collection: Ritual Histories, Magickal Geography (2020), Clare Spark’s Hunting Captain Ahab: Psychological Warfare and the Melville Revival (2000), Jacob Taubes’ Occidental Eschatology (1947/2009), Donald Winnicott’s Playing and Reality (1971)

Reza Afshar, Aeron Alfrey, Arzach, François Baranger, Zdzisław Beksiński, Sv Bell (“The Gift of Death“), Enki Bilal, Black Powder Red Earth, John Blanche, Matt Brinkman, Beth Cavener, John Brosio, Adrian Cox (2011-2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), DEESBANGER, Erik Desmazières, Philippe Druillet (The Night, Nosferatu, Yragaël and Urm the Mad), Gil Elvgren, Roberto Ferri (“Naiade,” “La Nascita della Sirena,” “Il Teatro della Crudelto“), Leonor Fini, Art Frahm, Frank Frazetta, Amanda Franck (“Horseskull Tarot“), Masahise Fukase, H. R. Giger, Goodman Games, Jez Gordon, Caitlin Hackett, HERAKUT, Junji Ito, Ivan Laliashvili, Stefan Koidl, Chas Ray Krider, Emil Lukas, medieval woodcuts, Mike Mignola (Baltimore, Hellboy), Ian Miller, the MÖRK BORG style, Nick the Hat, Offworld Bogil, Marcel Roux, Jakub Rozalski, Jenny Saville (“Atonement Studies: Central Panel,” “Bleach“), Scrap Princess, Sin Eater Illustrations, Ben Templesmith, Shōmei Tōmatsu, Nihei Tsutomu (Abara, Blame!), Rodrigo Vega, Lebbeus Woods

The Alexandrian, Bastionland, Cannibal Halfling Gaming, d4caltrops, Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein, Elfmaids & Octopi, English Heretic, False Machine, Gundobad Games, Hack & Slash, k-punk, Last Gasp Grimoire, Middenmurk, Monster Manual Sewn from Pants, Prehistoric Pulp, Questing Beast, SFE: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Technical Grimoire, Traverse Fantasy, War on the Rocks, Wizard Thief Fighter

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